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effective temperature中文是什么意思

用"effective temperature"造句"effective temperature"怎么读"effective temperature" in a sentence


  • 感触温度
  • 实感温度
  • 有效温度


  • Threshold temperature and effective temperature of oligonychus perditus
  • Threshold temperature and effective temperature sum of liriomyza huidobrensis
  • Threshold temperature and effective temperature sum of the pollen beetle haptoncus luteolus
  • Fitting the spectrum with maxweuian distribution , the effective temperature of about 200kev
    高能质子能谱测量给出高能质子最大能量约zookev 。
  • Its developmental zero was 11 . 01 , and effective temperature constant for one generation was 791 . 27 day - degrees
  • Based on the effective temperature accumulation above 12 and variety maturity characters , physiological time for predicting the development processes from sowing to boil opening under different environments was determined
  • The scheme greatly simplifies the numerical calculation and enables to give an effective temperature prediction on the sites where electronic elements are located , which offers a parctical method for both the performance evaluation and the structure optimization of cooling - plate
  • The relation between stellar chromospheric activity and rotation of evolution stars have a good relativity . but meticulous analysis show chromospheric activity of evolution stars depend on stellar spectral type and effective temperature strongly . we provide several possible explain for those phenomena
  • Make the theoretical and experimental research of self - cleanup , through the experimental research to the tin , we get the conclusions of jointed cold - blowing and hot - blowing period and the effective temperature range etc . proposed the practical measures to improve the effect of the self - cleanup , laid the groundwork for the future further in - depth study and application
  • The sub - model for design of population density was developed according to the principle of determining boll number from target yield , fruit node from boll number , fruit branch from fruit node and population density from fruit branch by integrating the effects of sowing date , cutout date , effective temperature accumulation above 12 , variety type , and fertilizer and water management levels . sowing rate was then decided by integrating the effects of different soil water and salt contents , ph , temperature and sowing style on seedling emergence rate with relative weight method
    基于“以产定铃、以铃定节、以节定枝、以枝定苗”的原理,同时考虑播种日期、打顶日期、 12的有效积温、品种株型特性、肥水管理水平差异等因素来确定适宜的种植密度;在此基础上,应用相对权重法计算土壤含水量、含盐量以及整地质量和播种方式等多个生态环境因子对出苗率的综合影响,进而确定播种量。
用"effective temperature"造句  


The effective temperature of a body such as a star or planet is the temperature of a black body that would emit the same total amount of electromagnetic radiation. Effective temperature is often used as an estimate of a body's temperature when the body's emissivity curve (as a function of wavelength) is not known.
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